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Presentation Videos
Presentation Videos: Mix of various techniques
7 Lies About Success Holding You Back!
7 Lies About Success Holding You Back
Oops! 15 Grammar Mistakes You’re Probably Making
Oops! 15 Grammar Mistakes You’re Probably Making
Non-Stick Pots On Health
Why Were Pre-2013 Non-Stick Pots (with PFOA) Allowed? What are typical cooking temperatures with the danger zone for non-stick coatings?
Story Telling
Storytelling can change everything. From basic to extraordinary content. Here are 5 examples of how you can use storytelling to change your con…
Because information is power, we place random presentations here, mostly informative, but of course with a bit of fun!
Maximizing Your Utility
In the context of new business ideas, a significant improvement for a smaller group often holds equal value to a minor improvement for a larger po…
Sell the benefits
Sell the benefits not the features
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